- 2024-2-1: Sophie Luo (Head of Advocacy) testifies at Congressional-Executive Commission on China Hearing on “The PRC’s Universal Periodic Review and the Real State of Human Rights in China” (read her testimony)
- 2024-1-27: Online memorial gathering for Tiananmen Square Massacre victim Qi Zhiyong “六四”见证人齐志勇先生网上追思会
- 2023-7-18: Joint stakeholder submission to the UPR (4th cycle) by Humanitarian China and China Change concerning the rights of the child in the People’s Republic of China (excluding Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Macau), where spouses and children of human rights defenders are targeted in retaliation to their advocacy activities 人道中国、改变中国作为利益攸关方提交给联合国对中国的第四轮普遍定期审议的报告,关注中国人权捍卫者的家人遭报复、未成年子女的权利受到侵犯的情况
- 2023-06-29: Joint letter calling for urgent action for girls, 6 and 2, locked up in a psychiatric hospital for over two years in China 呼吁为在中国被关在精神病院两年多的何方美的6岁和2岁女儿采取紧急行动的联名公开信
- 2022-12-7: Joint letter urging China to respect freedoms of expression, press and assembly, and Stop violent crackdown and arrests of peaceful protesters 呼吁中国当局停止抓捕白纸运动青年的联合声明
- 2021-06-04: 24-hour live stream event commemorating Tiananmen Massacre 维园烛火点亮全球,六四32周年,24小时网络纪念活动
- 2020-06-11: Media report on our Zoom account suspension
Our mission
- Provide humanitarian support in China.
- Help to develop civil society in China.
- Promote rule-of-law, human rights, and freedom of expression.
- Focus on grass-root and people who are neglected by the outside world.
Donation (EIN 30-0413217)
Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Click here for details.
Addresses of prisoner of conscience
Welcome to organize your own campaign to send out greeting cards to the prisoners using address labels for China and Hong Kong (30 addresses/page, Avery Template 5160 compatible). Here is the most recent list for China and Hong Kong. If you have updated information regarding these lists, please contact us at [email protected].
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关注刘萍女士被剥夺基本出行自由 … See MoreSee Less

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我现在住在纽约的庇护所,住了有一年,这其中换了四五家庇护所,无一例外都遭到了住在附近七八个床位的非法移民的集体骚扰!它们是有组织有计划的分工明确的骚扰!有时整晚都不让我睡觉无数次把我吵醒。同时伴随远程定向声波武器攻击剥夺睡眠。是谁在背后指使这些人这么做?现在川普政府正在大规模驱逐行动,这些人为什么不怕惹祸上身做这些肮脏不堪的事?说明背后有强大的权力部门在支持它们这么做!我想单单是中国共产党秘密警察不可能单独完成这些事。让我无比惊讶的是这种事竟然冠冕堂皇的发生在美国而且是在难民庇护所里如此大规模的发生…..这说明了一点这个邪恶组织不分国界不分种族!很多人万里迢迢冒着生命危险来到美国是因为美国制度的强大能够保障人权自由不受侵犯,而且在美国的一些阴暗角落里却发生了一些反人类见不得人的肮脏邪恶的事! 我被中国共产党诬陷整整二十年说我是一名“罪犯”,我有联合国难民署颁发的难民证,我可以让任何部门对我检测我是否说谎(无论用什么手段)美国是一个没有法律的国家吗?用这种卑鄙下流的方式在公共场所对一个人持续大规模骚扰真让人感到恶心和无耻!这种做法发生在美国对美国来说是一种耻辱!让邪恶中国共产党在美国境内大肆制造白色恐怖也是对美国的羞辱!
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我现在住在纽约不但每天被中共特务各种骚扰和远程定向声波武器攻击剥夺睡眠。(哈瓦那综合症)只要我白天在网络上抨击中共或者参加政治活动回到庇护所必定遭到中共的报复!它们能够在美国的难民庇护所里调动其他非法移民对我骚扰和声波武器酷刑折磨你可而知它们在美国的行动能力! 我想很多人都看过“THE STANFORD PRISON EXPERIMENT”(斯坦福监狱实验)这部电影。没想到现实版的电影发生在我的身上!我是联合国难民署注册的难民我有难民卡。我在美国,在纽约的庇护所,因为我对中共的政治言论遭到了打击报复!在遭到了“斯坦福监狱实验”式的集体骚扰恐吓威胁! 而施暴者则是一群来自非洲和中南美洲的非法移民,在纽约庇护所每天上演着严重迫害人权自由的恶性事件,它们分工明确有组织有计划的对我进行骚扰恐吓(因为我经常参加一些政治活动回到庇护所必遭到这些人的骚扰)之前的一个庇护所被一个摩洛哥的非法移民骚扰多次最后发展到在庇护所门口拿刀砍我,我报警他居然倒打一耙说我打了他,庇护所门口明明就有监控,然而警察说监控坏了把我一块抓到警察局。这些背后主谋都是中共驻纽约的秘密警察!我对我所说的一切承担一切法律责任!(也接受任何部门对我精神鉴定)为什么中共可以在美国的难民庇护所指挥这些非法移民制造白色恐怖? 而且庇护所知道这些事,我确定中共秘密警察就躲在庇护所里。中共在美国这么神通广大还有什么做不了的事情???为什么美国政府允许中共在美国境内肆意侵犯人权制造白色恐怖???我在美国遭遇任何意外伤害背后主导一定是中国共产党国家安全局的秘密警察!它们承担一切后果!
11 years on, we remember #caoshunli 🕯️ 人权活动家 #曹顺利 被中共北京当局迫害致死 11 周年 … See MoreSee Less

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It's important to maintain a balanced perspective and focus on the positives in every situation.
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Recent Activities
December 1, 2024
HC provided financial support to more than 150 Chinese human rights defenders and 30 Hong Kong activists in 2024.
November 7, 2024
Zhou Fengsuo, president of HC, spoke at the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. A replica of the Goddess of Democracy statue of the 1989 Beijing pro-democracy movement stood up again at the remains of the wall.
September 11, 2024
Facilitated the 2nd Liu Xiaobo memorial statue to be erected at the National University of Ireland, Galway.
June, 2024
Organized Art Exhibition in London, Paris and Taiwan for the 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre.
June, 2024
Organized forum and vigil in San Francisco and New York to commemorate the 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre.
June 4, 2024
Zhou Fengsuo, co-founder of HC, testified in the congressional hearing for the 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre.
May 29, 2024
Supported an influential magazine in the United Kingdom to hold an exhibition on the 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre.
April 13, 2024
Cosigned various human rights related joint statements, like supporting human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng.
February 1, 2024
HC’s Head of Advocacy, Sophie Luo, testified at a Congressional-Executive Commission on China hearing on human rights in China.
January 27, 2024
Co-organized online memorial for Tiananmen Square Massacre victim Qi Zhiyong.
From Xiaoju Zhang, 2024-5-14
All those who want to embrace universal values should support China’s humanitarian cause. The CCP’s cruelty and inhumane actions have inflicted tremendous amounts of harm on China and its people, as humanitarianism is the CCP’s natural enemy.
Helping the victims of the CCP’s persecution is our most urgent mission on the road to achieving democracy and freedom.
Let’s keep supporting the humanitarian China
From an anonymous donor, 2021-1-13
Thank you for providing me with a venue to help advance your cause, in which I believe.
From Roz Dimon, 2019-3-6
My name is Roz Dimon and I have a door in the CHINA: June 4, 1989 collection, formerly part of the Asian American Arts Centre.
Here is some information about the creation of our door:
It was a beautiful day July 4th, 1989, when I carried the door which I had received from Robert Lee up to our Brooklyn Penthouse overlooking the NYC skyline and worked with my two friends, James Dawson (now my husband) and Sarah Emery, to digitally create an homage to the horrific happenings of the proceeding month.
We could think of nothing more important on this day where we celebrated freedom and independence in our country of the United States than to honor the courage of those who stood up to army tanks and force at Tiananmen Square.
Thank you for keeping this important exhibit alive – it is a testament to people who stand up for human rights the world over.
刘珏帆(张宝成妻子): 受助与回馈, 2019-2-18
@changchengwai, 2018-11-23
Fengsuo: You have made such a difference to so many. Thank you for all of your help. Stay well.
Gina – AHA, 2021.01
(Editor note: This is from American Heart Association New Jersey for our donations of masks to doctors and nurses at about 20 hospitals and other organizations when it was worst last year.)
很感謝世界各地對香港人的支持與聲援。在此,特別感謝人道中國提供給香港一班前線抗爭者的資金援助。 我們堅定民主自由的信念不移,會在追求民主自由的道路上一路努力前進。
一位香港廢中抗爭者, 2020.5.30
香港抗爭者: Pierce
Thank you for your generous donation of N95 and KN95 masks to Overlook Medical Center. On behalf of Overlook Foundation, allow us to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation of your support during the COVID-19 pandemic. Without your generosity, our doctors and nurses and, by extension, their families would certainly face a greater risk of illness and possibly death.
Clelia Biamonti, PhD
Executive Director | Overlook Foundation
Your donations have helped us keep family and nurses healthy through Bergen, Hudson, Morris, Essex and Passaic County!
Thank you for all of your efforts!
During our short meeting you mentioned you might get some additional supplies. If this is the case please let me know if there are any additional that can be allocated to us. The need has risen and we are almost out.
Regardless, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for all you have already done!
Dayana Abreu, RN, CPN
Clinical Manager 2 (HP) | BAYADA Home Health Care
Work report
2008: Our pamphlet has general information and work report.
2010: Work report.
2012: Financial aids recipients.
2014: Work report.
2015: Work report.
2016: Work report.
2017: Video
2018: Video
2019: Video, English, Chinese
2020: Video
2022: Video
2023: Video
2024: Video
Financial information
2007: Form 990-N
2008: Annual budgets were less than $25,000
2009: Form 990-EZ, Form 990-PF, Schedule A
2010: Form 990-EZ
2011: Form 990-N
2012: Form 990-N
2013: Form 990-N
2014: Form 990-EZ, Schedule A
2015: Form 990-EZ
2016: Form 990-EZ
2017: Form 990-EZ
2018: Form 990
2019: Form 990
2020: Form 990
2021: Form 990
2022: Form 990
2023: Form 990
Last updated: 2025-01-22 12:05 AM