2015 report

Annual Report for 2015









Humanitarian China Annual Report – 2015

In 2015 Chinese Communist regime continued to arrest a large number of the community from various sectors, whom was considered as a threat. As a result, the demand of Humanitarian China’s relief effort had increased significantly. Thanks to board members working well together, especially Ge Xun, President of the Council working hard day and night. So far in this year Humanitarian China had issued more than 100 small aid to those persecuted in China, helped more than 14 families settled overseas, and raised USD 25,000 for legendary reporter Gao Yu.

Starting from July, there was a mass crackdown on Human Rights lawyers. More than 300 had been arrested or interrogated. Humanitarian China launched a special fundraising campaign raising more than USD 17,000 and helped organizing protest activities in multiple cities.

As CCP implicates family members, Humanitarian China helped the families of Tang Zhishun, Xin Qingxian and a rights lawyer to settle in San Francisco Bay Area. Zhou Fengsuo himself participated in organizing the rescue effort of Bao Zhuoxuan, the son of rights lawyer Wang Yu. He went to Bangkok, Thailand to receive Bao Zhuoxuan escaping from Myanmar. Unfortunately this rescue attemp failed.

In this year, those was followed and helped by Humanitarian China include: political dissidents, June 4th victims and their families, human rights activists, human rights lawyers, Christians being persecuted, feminist activists, labor movement activists, and various NGOs under suppression.

Humanitarian China is delight to channel donor’s’ contribution to charity projects, such as education project for poor children. In the past, Humanitarian China had involved in relief effort in Sichuan earthquake, Yushu earthquake in Qinghai, Myanmar cyclone as well the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Each time, Humanitarian China had local connection to deliver the aid directly to the affected people.

Humanitarian China’s ultimate mission is to cultivate a humane civil society. Since its inception, it has been consistently supported small domestic NGOs in early stage. It mainly looks for small civil organizations which have unique expertise to promote civil society and are sustainable for the long term.

Humanitarian China mainly relies on individual donations and donations from board members have been the main source of funding in the past. This year is the first time donations from outside of the board exceeding those of the board. Thanks to all our donors. The number of donors also increased significantly. However, in the face of human rights disasters, demand far exceeds our resources. What we can do is just a drop in the bucket. Bit by bit, it is still the indispensable moral support for prisoners of conscience in China.

Last updated: 2016-3-14, 11:58 PM