Cheung Yiu-leung speaks on Hong Kong, Chinese and English
張耀良 律师讲香港法律,中文和英文字幕
Join us for the 4th Annual International Human Rights Lawyer Day Conference
In cooperation with civil society organizations in Taiwan and the US, we have invited international scholars, lawyers, and activists to join Chinese human rights lawyers in two panels: one on “Human rights lawyers community and the Chinese society in the context of COVID-19”, and the second on “the evolution of the human rights lawyers community in China before, during and after the 709 Crackdown”.
There will also be two prizes presented at this occasion: one for an outstanding figure from abroad who has contributed to the rule of law and human rights in China, and the other is the Chinese Human Rights Lawyer Award.
Date: 7th July 2020
Time: HKT 9pm-11pm, EST 9am-11am
Co-organizers: China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group (Hong Kong), Humanitarian China (the US), Taiwan Support China Human Rights Lawyers Network (Taiwan), Taipei Bar Association Human Rights Committee (Taiwan) and a group of Taiwanese and international human rights organizations
今年的七月就是「709大抓捕」五週年了。 今年王全璋律師終於被釋放與家人團聚,但仍然有「709大抓捕」受害人困於牢獄之中。
已經被釋放出來的人權律師,還有新生代的律師現正面對中共政權不斷變更的打壓招數。 雖然打壓看似變得溫和了,但其實只是溫水煮青蛙,規模一直沒有變小,只是變為更多用行政手段,並逼使酷刑受害人不得透露被酷刑細節,以避過像「709大 抓捕」時候的國際社會嚴厲譴責。
這次活動邀請了國際學者、律師及社運人士與中國人權律師同席討論兩個議題:一個為「以新冠肺炎為背景:維權律師與中國社會」,另一個為「709之前與之後:中國維權 運動的困局與前途」。 當天亦會頒發兩個獎項,一是「中國人權律師獎」,二是「中國法治人權貢獻獎」,以答謝這一年來對中國法治及人權有貢獻的人權律師及國際人士。
– 2020年7月7日台北時間晚上9-11點
– 2020年7月7日美東時間早上9-11點