2016 tiananmen mothers


Press Release: A Substantial Donation to the Tiananmen Mothers by the Tso Ming Sing Foundation and Humanitarian China

人道中国帮助吴铭之先生的美国加州Tso Ming Sing基金会,在今年早期捐献给天安门母亲群体。这是27年来天安门母亲收到的最大单笔资助。尤维洁女士代表天安门母亲感谢吴铭之先生的持久爱心和人道中国的努力。


坚守良知而且付诸行动的吴铭之先生,以及其他正义之士,在黑暗中成为她们盼望的力量。时值美国纪念日,吴铭之先生以此激励天安门母亲和人道中国: “在这 Memorial Day 气氛中,不禁祷告上苍,保佑中国人民,有朝一日能公开记念自己的阵亡民主战士们。”

人道中国感谢吴铭之先生和Tso Ming Sing基金会的信任,盼望未来有更多的合作,帮助六四受难者和良心犯,共同推动中国民主化,可以告慰六四亡灵。


San Francisco (June 1, 2016) — With the assistance of the Humanitarian China, the Tso Ming Sing Foundation has made a substantial donation to the Tiananmen Mothers recently. It is the largest single donation that the Tiananmen Mothers have received over the past 27 years. On behalf of the Tiananmen Mothers, Ms. Weijie YOU (尤维洁) has expressed the group’s gratitude to Mr. Mingzhi WU in California of the United States of America, who represents the Tso Ming Sing Foundation, for his continuous support, and to the Humanitarian China for its long-standing support for the Tiananmen Mothers.

As the 27th anniversary of the June Fourth Massacre approaches, there is still no justice for the fallen heroes and injured victims; and the perpetrators have not been held accountable. The families of the dead are forbidden to publicly commemorate their loved ones. Professor Zilin DING, founder of the Tiananmen Mothers, has been cut from telephone service. 40 out of the group of 170 have passed away without the comfort of a closure, several of them taking their lives because of grief. Over the past few days, activists in China have been detained for commemorating the June Fourth victims. Among them are Hailu FU, Qing MA, Changqing ZHAO, Caihong XU, Baocheng ZHANG.

Mr. Mingzhi WU’s support for the Tiananmen Mothers represents hope and strength that live on despite the repression. On Memorial Day, a national holiday in the United Stated of America, Mr. Mingzhi WU sent his words of encouragements to the Tiananmen Mothers and the Humanitarian China: “On this day, I can’t help but pray to the God to protect the Chinese people, and look forward to the day when they will be able to publicly commemorate those who have given their lives for the sake of freedom and democracy.”

The Humanitarian China is grateful for the trust put in us by Mr. Mingzhi WU and the Tso Ming Sing Foundation. We look forward to working together with the Foundation and Mr. Wu in the future to help the victims of Tiananmen Massacre and the imprisoned human rights activists in China. The only way to comfort those who perished 27 years ago on June 4th, 1989, is for us to unite in solidarity to promote democratization in China.

The Humanitarian China, based in the Bay Area in California, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by participants in the 1989 democracy movement. We are committed to supporting the jailed Chinese human rights defenders and to advancing democracy, freedom, human rights, and the rule of law in China.

主席 President
葛洵 twitter.com/gexun

联系人 Contact Persons
周锋锁 twitter.com/zhoufengsuo
方政 twitter.com/fangzheng1989

网站地址 Website: h-china.org



Last updated: 2016-06-03, 08:37 PM