Art For Humanity

艺术支持人道 | Art For Humanity

Event Report

3月11日下午在波士顿Allston的Clara Wainwright画廊,举行了一场特殊的艺术展览“艺术支持人道”(Art For Humanity)。风格各异的绘画、摄影、雕塑和装置作品主要来自波士顿和新泽西的几名华裔高中生,作品反映出他们独特的心灵世界和艺术眼光。组织者希望借助这次活动提高人们对中国民主人权状况、尤其是在押良心犯的关注,并将出售作品所得捐给两家人权机构。


本次展览出售作品所得2012美元,已经捐给了两家非盈利组织。一家是人道中国(Humanitarian China),自2007年成立以来,致力于为中国政治犯、良心犯以及家属提供人道主义援助,受到资助者超过1300人次。另一家是中国民主转型研究所(Institute For China’s Democratic Transition),旨在推动关于中国民主化的杂志编辑、网络课程和知识传播。

来自马萨诸塞Cambridge的Matthew Kung说,“住在美国是一种值得珍惜的特权。中国艺术家们仅仅因为言论就面临困境,甚至坐牢,这让我深感不安。我想利用这次筹款活动来提高人们对中国言论自由的认识。尽管和中国远隔万里,但我觉得有必要尽我所能对这些被监禁的艺术家和人权活动家表示关心和善意。我希望通过捐款等小小的行动,可以帮助到他们和其家人。”来自新泽西州普林斯顿的Grace Yage Teng说,“我的父亲在中国因为争取自由民主曾被政府绑架、关押、并遭受酷刑,他的很多人权活动家朋友今天仍在监狱里。现在我生活在一个自由的国度,我有责任通过艺术作品帮助那些被囚禁的良心犯发出声音,呼吁人们不要忘记他们。”她和Nancy Yacheng Teng都拿出了不少画作参展,是人权律师、现在芝加哥大学任客座教授的滕彪博士的女儿。

本次展览的还有来自Anna Kung, Paul Kung和 Ashlynn Potter的艺术作品。组织者表示,今后还会组织类似的活动,为了推动艺术,也是为了公益和人权。


On the afternoon of March 11th, a special art exhibition “Art For Humanity” was held at the Clara Wainwright Gallery in Allston, Boston. The paintings, photographs, sculptures and installations in different styles are mainly from several Chinese American high school students in Boston and New Jersey. The works reflect their unique spiritual world and artistic vision. The organizers hope to use this event to raise people’s attention to China’s democracy and human rights situation, especially prisoners of conscience in custody. They will donate the proceeds from the sale of works to two human rights organizations.

The exhibition attracted more than 100 people from the Boston area. Many people bought the exhibited works to support the cause of human rights in China and to encourage these young authors. Some artists gave enthusiastic encouragement to the young artists’ creations. The president of Humanitarian China, Zhou Fengsuo, and Dr. Teng Biao, one of the founders of the China Institute for Democratic Transition and one of the organizers of this event, were present at the exhibition.

The $2012 proceeds from the sale of works in this exhibition have been donated to two non-profit organizations. One is Humanitarian China. Since its establishment in 2007, it has been committed to providing humanitarian assistance to political prisoners, prisoners of conscience and their families in China. More than 1,300 cases have been supported. The other is the Institute For China’s Democratic Transition, which promotes journal editing, online courses and knowledge dissemination about China’s democratization

Matthew Kung from Cambridge, Massachusetts, said, “Living in America is a privilege to be cherished. I am deeply troubled that Chinese artists are facing difficulties, even in jail, just because of their speech. I want to use this fundraising event to raise People’s awareness of freedom of speech in China. Although thousands of miles away from China, I feel the need to do my best to show care and kindness to these imprisoned artists and human rights activists. I hope that through small actions such as donations to help them and their families.” 

Grace Yage Teng from Princeton, New Jersey said, “My father was kidnapped, imprisoned, and tortured by the government in China for fighting for freedom and democracy, and many of his human rights activist friends are still in prison today. Now that I live in a free country, I have the responsibility to help those imprisoned prisoners of conscience speak out through artworks, calling on people not to forget them.” Both she and Nancy Yacheng Teng exhibited many paintings, which are daughters of Dr. Teng Biao, a human rights lawyer and now a visiting professor at the University of Chicago.

Also featured in the exhibition are artwork by Anna Kung, Paul Kung and Ashlynn Potter. The organizer said that similar activities will be organized in the future, to promote art, but also for public welfare and human rights.




Event Announcement

3月11日下午在波士顿Allston的Clara Wainwright画廊, 将举行一场特殊的艺术展览。这些风格各异的绘画、摄影、雕塑和装置作品主要来自波士顿和新泽西的一些华裔高中生,作品反映出他们独特的心灵世界和艺术眼光。他们关切中国的民主事业和人权状况,作为高中生,殊为不易。其中两位创作者的家长曾在中国作为良心犯被关押。

现场捐款和出售作品所得,都将捐给两家非盈利组织。一家是人道中国(Humanitarian China),自2007年成立以来,致力于为中国政治犯、良心犯以及家属提供人道主义援助,受到资助者超过1300人次。另一家是中国民主转型研究所(Institute For China’s Democratic Transition),旨在推动关于中国民主化的杂志编辑、网络课程和知识传播。


Last update: 2023-04-22 5:50pm