

我們發起這個籌款項目用以配合在2021年11月30日全球性的「樂捐星期二」行動。由當天東岸時間早上八時(西岸時間早上五時)開始,臉書會配對人道中國收到的捐款,另外一位捐款人也會在一定額度內匹配你的捐款。完成捐款程序後,你臉書的電郵帳戶會收到確認電郵,此電郵即為捐款收據。若你在美國居住,你的捐款會免稅(EIN 30-0413217)。

我們籌得的款項將主要用於提供小額人道救援,幫助在中國的良心犯和他們的家庭。人道中國在2007年創立,發起人為在北京和海外的八九民主運動的參與者。人道中國是在加州註冊的非牟利組織,所有成員都是義務志願者, 所有籌得的款項將用於幫助在中國的政治犯。近年來,人道中國每年資助大約一百個個案。有需要時,我們亦會舉辦專項籌款。



Facebook’s Giving Tuesday Campaign

We created this fundraiser to take part in Facebook’s Giving Tuesday that begins at 8:00 AM Eastern Time (5:00 AM Pacific Time) on Tuesday, November 30, 2021. Qualified donations that are made on Facebook during Giving Tuesday will be matched by Facebook.

After you make a donation, a confirmation will be sent to the primary email listed on your Facebook account. This confirmation shows that you’ve made this donation as a charitable contribution. If you are giving from the US, your donation will be eligible for a tax deduction (EIN 30-0413217).

The fund will primarily be used to provide small humanitarian aid to prisoners of conscience and their families in China.

Founded by participants in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests from Beijing and overseas in 2007, Humanitarian China is a registered non-profit charity in California. All its staff members are volunteers; all funds raised are used to help victims of political persecution in China. In recent years, Humanitarian China has been supporting about 100 cases per year. We also launch special donation campaigns when needed. In 2019, we had a campaign for the aftermath of dissident Zhang Jian and a campaign for humanitarian aid for the Hong Kong protests. Here is a 10-minute video to describe our work ( You are welcome to visit our website ( for more information.


Last updated: 2021-11-20 1:05 AM