Letter Roz Dimon

Letter from Roz Dimon

March 6, 2019

Dear Humanitarian China Organization,

My name is Roz Dimon and I have a door (see attached photo of door back in front) in the CHINA: June 4, 1989 collection, formerly part of the Asian American Arts Centre. I live in New York City and Shelter Island but am unable to attend the press conference today.

Here is some information about the creation of our door:

It was a beautiful day July 4th, 1989, when I carried the door which I had received from Robert Lee up to our Brooklyn Penthouse overlooking the NYC skyline and worked with my two friends, James Dawson (now my husband) and Sarah Emery, to digitally create an homage to the horrific happenings of the proceeding month.

We could think of nothing more important on this day where we celebrated freedom and independence in our country of the United States than to honor the courage of those who stood up to army tanks and force at Tiananmen Square.

Please note I also have a work, PALE MALE in the permanent collection of the September 11th Memorial & Museum – it also speaks to freedom and how people can rise up when all is lost.

Thank you for keeping this important exhibit alive – it is a testament to people who stand up for human rights the world over.

Respectfully, Roz

Roz Dimon
[email protected]

Photo shows CHINA DOOR, back and front set against a picture of the Brooklyn apartment building where we created this piece for the show “CHINA: June 4th, 1989” on July 4th, Independence Day, 1989.

Last updated: 2019-03-10, 10:35 PM